Web Hera Main Interface

Once an account has been activated, user can now go to main login panel and log onto Hera system. To start the login process, point web browser to http://hera.gsfc.nasa.gov/webHera and fill in values for user name and password values selected during registration.

Once successful logging into Hera, Hera system will present user with the main interface of Hera. The main interface consists of User Action, Interface Info Toggle, User Current Working Directory, Tool Parameter and Tool Output panels.


User Action Panel



For user to log off the current session.

Display this help.

Gives user the ability to communicate his/her comments, suggestion or question to Hera development team.

Allows user to access HEASARC Xamin Interface.


Interface Info Toggle Panel



User ID.

Current viewing/working directory (see this note.)

Refresh view of current directory

Toggle dual current working directory explorer.



User Current Working Directory Panel


User current working directory panel consists of list of directory and files of user Hera data. From this panel, user can view his own data files, create sub directory, upload and download data files, delete or rename data file/directory.



Click on any folder name to go inside the folder.






displays the current viewing and working directory for the selected tool.





Icons on the User Current Working Directory Panel




Create a new directory in current working directory.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 09 main interface 3 home

Go to the home directory on user’s Hera account.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 09 main interface 3 up

Go UP one directory level



Action to perform on Directory or File


To perform an action on a directory or a file, move the cursor onto the icon next to file/directory name to bring up action panel.


Action on a directory



Action on a file




Display Fits header info and table contents

Download the selected file

Open the directory

Rename the file/directory

Delete the selected file/directory


Tool Parameter Panel


Tool Parameter Panel displays the parameter editor for user to select input file, input parameter value(s) for selected tool.


Tool Input Panel



  Type in name of the name of the task, the system will populate the Parameter Panel with the task’s parameter values.



Icons on the Parameter Panel




Click to display help on the tool

Click to run the tool (for example, “ftlist”)

Click to run the tool without wait for result (for example, “ftlist”)

Click to update inputted parameter values to system.

Click to reset parameter values to system defaults.

Click to minimize the panel.

Click to maximize the panel.

Input a new task name and change to the new parameter file.

Bring up available task list


Tool List Panel

Tool panel organizes the available FTOOLS software into Mission Category. User can click on any one of the available category to expand it. Panel.




Dismiss the Help panel.


Click on a tool in the Tool List Panel or input task name on the Tool Input Panel will display its parameters and default values in Tool Parameter.



Click on  to bring up help on the task.






Dismiss the Help panel.


Command Window Terminal

Command Window Terminal displays the output from the tool and also allows user to type in and submit command or interact with tool currently running.




Icons on the Command Window Terminal Panel




Click to minimize the panel.

Click to maximize the panel.

Help on the Command Terminal Interface. The help text will show up in a web page (see here.)

Decrease text size in the Command Terminal Interface

Increase text size in the Command Terminal Interface

Expand to.   

Expand to

Font family selection (see example.)

-   Click on drop down arrow to select different font.

-   Click on box next to “Bold” to select bold font.

Expand to

Font color selection (see example.)

-   Click on drop down arrow next to “Text” to select different color for text.

-   Click on drop down arrow next to “Background to select different color for background.

Dismiss current selection

This provides a simple way for user to save/print output (see example.)

Adding a new output window.



Command Window Terminal


A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

One default Command Window Terminal exists when Web Hera starts.


User has the option to add more Command Window Terminal by clicking .


User can select any terminal by clicking on any area of the terminal.


User can run different task(s) at any selected terminal.




Example of Save|Print Output


At current development stage, saving to Windows platform is automatic. But on UNIX or Mac OS X, the only way to save or print contents in Command Window Terminal is to use default browser print/save function. By clicking on the  button, the contents inside the Command Window Terminal would be dumped to a browser page. User could then use browser printing/saving capability to print or save the contents.




Example of Change Text Font (Arial font and Bold)



Example of Change Text and Background Color (Green text and Black background)